Acclaimed Attorney, Konrad Trope Addresses the Growing Trend of Pre-Nuptial Agreements Among Millennials

Summary:Millennials have started taking part in pre-nuptial agreements, a growing trend versus older generations, according to attorney Konrad Trope
According to Konrad Trope of Trope Law Group, pre-nuptial agreements are becoming far more acceptable with today’s millennials especially with the divorce rate at or above 50%.
“Pre-nuptial agreements are like a mutual fund: risk is hedged whereby if the marriage falls apart, the parties are able to get back to their economic positions prior to the marriage, allowing them to be completely free of each other so that they can move on to the next relationship. Pre-nupts allow the parties to avoid alimony payments or avoid seemingly unfair property divisions. In short, pre-nuptial agreements reflect a new cultural norm of disposability,” states Trope.
Millennials are immersed in disposable technologies, which actually diminish in-person interactions. Friendships, business relationships, and even romantic relationships are often entirely based on using laptops, Skype, texting or smartphones. And given how quickly new models of these technologies are introduced, the old models are easily disposable. In short, these technologies create an atmosphere of disposability, which carries over to marital relationships and thus Pre-nuptial agreements are becoming increasingly popular with Millennials.
Contact Detail:
Company Name: Trope Law Group
Contact Person: Konrad Trope
Phone No: (818) 916-6553
Country: United States
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